
Why Do You Need a Lawyer for an Uncontested divorce? 


A divorce can be painful for both parties, especially when children are involved. Even if the couple does not have children, they shared a life together and it is now coming to an end. We believe that getting a divorce is a big step, but it is not fair to be in a union that does not have love, trust, or understanding. 

Divorces are of two types: contested and uncontested. The contested type is the one where one of the parties refuses to take a divorce. The uncontested type is when both parties give a mutual agreement. The latter offers an easy exit, but there are some things that need to be settled before the marriage ends. 

Do you want to get a divorce without any drama? If that’s the case, you can hire cheap divorce lawyers in Alabama for your uncontested divorce. There are a few law firms in Alabama that offer cheap uncontested divorces. We will share more as you move forward. Let’s get started with why you need a lawyer for an uncontested divorce. 

The Need for a Lawyer in an Uncontested Divorce 

An uncontested divorce takes a lot less time and money. However, you need someone to ensure that your interests are covered. 

You can give them a call anytime and speak about your grievances. They handle all the interactions and legal work which makes the whole process easier. 

Did you know that you could have a drama-free divorce by hiring law firms like The Harris Firm LLC? They take a fairly low price and, in some cases, visiting the court is not needed. 

The divorce can be filed online. Also, the judge will declare their final decision and you will be out of the marital union within a stipulated timeframe. 

In case children are not involved, then the divorce will settle in $390. If the couple has children, the divorce will cost $490. There is some additional fee, but it does not cost a fortune. 

This is for uncontested divorces in Alabama. However, if you are stuck in a contested divorce, you can still speak to the attorneys and let them find a solution for you. 

Concluding Thoughts

Before hiring a cheap divorce attorney in Alabama, you must speak to your partner and agree to the terms. The child custody, monetary settlement, and mutual agreement to divorce are some of the aspects you have to discuss beforehand. 

If both of you are on the same page, it will be easier to file for an uncontested divorce. 

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