
Quick and simple ways to ease your nerves during work


Workplace stress and burnout have become common scenarios in most countries. The 2018 Gallup survey shows that every quarter of the workforce faces such syndrome regularly. Of course, during and post-pandemic must have shifted the numbers more drastically than expected.

The common cause of stress is the inability to make ends meet given the economic situation in the world! Several leading countries have listed the most stressed-out countries like the Philippines, Egypt, the USA, India, Europe, etc. The cities of the USA, Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, have ranked in the top 20 stressed-out cities.

In this article, you will learn what you exactly feel and how to manage them.

Nervous or anxious?

Though they have similar symptoms, nervousness and anxiety are two different emotions. Nervousness is the bodily reaction (either physically or mentally) to explicit situations. For example, you might feel nervous before the big presentation or the final examination.

It is the same nervous system that kicks in when feeling anxious. However, anxiety is a prolonged feeling that might not leave out of your head immediately. For example, you worry about future happenings that might or might not happen.

Then, how to calm the nerves?

Emotions can get in the way of productivity, especially when working. It is better to follow simple destressing steps while on break from work. If things are out of control, it is better that you consult a professional for help.

They will offer solutions customized as per your requirements. Look for the best-suited one through email search tools like Access its extensive database through its Linkedin and Gmail extensions. Find email addresses at the click of a button!

Here are some quick fixes for nerves while at work,

Identify and accept: Things become simpler when you understand what triggers your emotions. Accept that you feel the discomfort and try to find the core reason behind it. Look at yourself in the most non-judgemental way and understand why you feel certain emotions.

The friend/family: There is nothing better than confiding in a friend/family/colleague. Every human needs validation from a close person at some point. Whether you feel nervous or anxious, speak it out to your close one. They might not offer you the best solution, but you will feel lighter by just letting things out of your system.

Face the challenge: Being nervous or anxious before the big presentation is ordinary. Nobody wants to mess things up in front of their leadership. In such cases, face your fears and practice ahead. Plan the speech and presentation as per your comfort. Let a colleague determine how you’re doing. Make pointer and cards for yourself. And it is okay to falter as long as you correct yourself immediately.

The zen mode: Get in your zen mode when feeling anxious. Create a playlist and listen to it or practice mindfulness. It doesn’t just mean that you’ll need to meditate. Being mindful can be anything, from writing a journal to doodling – every activity that takes your mind off the current situation and calms you down!

Final thoughts

Managing emotions can be quite tricky. You see people with high functioning anxiety yet, manage their work effortlessly. You might never know how they do it.

Nevertheless, the only thing you can fully know is yourself! Find simple tricks to ease your nerves, and if it goes out of control, do not hesitate to seek help.

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