
What Injured Workers in Richmond, Virginia Should Know About Workers’ Compensation


Sustaining injuries in the workplace can be devastating, especially if your injuries lead to high medical bills or short- or long-term disabilities that prevent you from returning to work. An experienced Federal Employee Rights attorney virginia understands the anxiety and worry you may be dealing with after your workplace accident. They can help you get the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ comp insurance is a kind of no-fault insurance that pays for a part of a workers’ damage after being involved in a workplace accident. Through this compensation system, an injured employee doesn’t have to prove fault nor be barred from recovery if they caused or contributed to the accident. In exchange for benefits, employers can’t be sued directly by an injured worker. 

Who is Eligible for Workers’ comp?

Virginia mandates that every business that has at least three employees should carry workers’ comp coverage. This applies to both part-time and full-time employees. To be eligible for workers’ comp, an employee should prove that their injury happened while at work or while performing a job-related task. 

The Benefits that Employees can Enjoy

If an employee can prove their injuries happened because of a work-related activity, they are eligible for workers’ comp benefits. These include medical benefits, which pay for all reasonable and necessary medical expenses. Another benefit that an injured employee can get is lost wage benefit, which include temporary and permanent disability benefits. Death benefits are also paid to a spouse or dependent children if an on-the-job injury resulted in the death of the covered worker. 

Why Hire an Attorney?

Although you may be entitled to workers’ comp after sustaining injuries in the workplace, you may be given the settlement you deserve. Sometimes, your claim could be denied completely. A skilled employment attorney can help you prove that your workplace accident caused your injuries. They can also help you understand the extent of damages you have suffered and your claim’s value. They are not afraid to stand up to your employer who may refuse to report your injury or take retaliatory actions against you. A good attorney can negotiate your settlement and represent you in a workers’ comp appeal if needed. Most importantly, they will make sure you can file a claim with the EEOC no later than two years after your accident. They will inform you of your rights and responsibilities under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act. 

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