
Revenues with the Tax: How to tackle


As its name suggests, in this tax regime taxes are based on the company’s real profit and are levied on monthly or quarterly revenue, according to the choice of the entrepreneur. Any business can be part of the Real Profit, however, in some cases, the tax classification in this regime is mandatory, as is the case with commercial banks and securities brokers, for example, and also with companies in any segment that have annual gross revenue above R $ 78 million in the previous year.

Presumed profit

Types of taxes and their rates

Now that we know the legal formats that a company can present and what the tax regime options are, it is easier to understand the taxes that each type of company must pay. To make it even easier, we will differentiate them between billing taxes and labor charges.

Billing taxes

Billing taxes are levied on the value of the sale of products or services. They are collected according to the tax regime in which the companies are inserted. Before we look at what the rates are for each of them, let’s check out what they are:

At a time of uncertainty, many companies are under pressure to find new business opportunities and achieve efficiencies, while still maintaining reporting and quality standards. Investing in new technologies is good business in this sense, but other types of investments are also necessary to ensure that the finance and accounting team has the tools to master the latest innovations.

According to research published in “Finance 2020: closer than you think”, most CFOs think that keeping up with technological changes is the priority for the year 2020. At the same time, 45% consider understanding and managing financial software packages to be an important technical skill for finance and accounting professionals to develop. For the tax issues the use of the sales tax calculator is important there. As they introduce new financial packages, they can calculate what the new taxes would be with this online calculator.

Invest in new tools

Encourage your finance and accounting team to improve their technology skills through targeted training and development. This can include formal trainings conducted within the company or by independent providers. Your software or hardware vendor may also offer certification programs at competitive prices or direct you to the most suitable courses, seminars, or conferences.

Furthermore, invite your employees to take their own training courses by providing study licenses and reimbursement of the costs of completing approved programs. Show these expenditures in the tax sheets also. It is important to note that its collection pays for the general expenses of the State. The amount collected is much more expressive than the rates and contributions of improvement.

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